
公司新闻 数字赋能,焕发新生 ——利元亨&海葵企业数字化转型沙龙圆满落幕

卓欣欣-15731 2024-7-20 10:33:06








  Digital EmpowermentReinvigorates - The Lyric & Haikui Corporate Digital Transformation Saloncame to a successful conclusion.

  In the wave ofdigital transformation, Lyric Robot and Haikui Information Technology Co., Ltd.recently held a high-end salon event focusing on the future development ofenterprises. The theme directly hit the pain points and opportunities ofdigital transformation, aiming to pave a clear digital upgrade path for smalland medium-sized enterprises. The event was successfully held in Huizhou,bringing together industry experts, government representatives and manybusiness leaders to discuss how to use digital transformation strategies toaccelerate industrial upgrading and enhance corporate competitiveness.

  Mr. Li Jianxin,Chief operating Officer of Lyric, emphasized in his speech: "Facing thedemand for new quality productivity, we must accelerate the digitaltransformation of the industry. Today's salon is a platform to stimulateinnovative thinking and jointly plan transformation strategies." Mr. LiJianxin's words not only expressed his understanding of the urgency of digitaltransformation, but also demonstrated Lyric's sense of responsibility and foresightas an industry leader.

  Then, Mr. XieSenlian, the account manager, explained in detail the digital transformationpolicy of small and medium-sized enterprises in Huizhou, sorted out the policydividends and practical operation guidelines for the enterprises present, andprovided strong policy support for the transformation of small and medium-sizedenterprises. Mr. Yan Guocong, a technical solution expert, then took the stageto share the systematic solution for the digital transformation of enterprises,and explained how to optimize the production process through intelligenttechnology to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement, and painted ablueprint for digital transformation for the audience.

  During the event,Haikui Information’s comprehensive strength and core capabilities were fullydemonstrated. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lyric, Haikui Information has astrong product matrix covering R&D, production, supply, testing, serviceand other aspects. Among them, the ICAD intelligent design guidance systemintegrates AI-assisted design, intelligent annotation, etc. Function,successfully improved design efficiency by 27%, improved design quality by 67%,reduced design costs by 60%, significantly optimized the design process, andbecame a key tool for enterprise digital transformation. In addition, Haikui'sMES production management system, supply chain management system, QMS qualitymanagement system, etc. constitute a comprehensive digital solution to helpenterprises comprehensively improve operational efficiency.

  At the event,witnessed by Mr. Zhou Junxiong, Chairman of Lyric, and Mr. Chen Jinzhong,General Manager of Haikui, several companies signed digital transformationcooperation agreements with Lyric Robot and Haikui. This series of cooperationmarks the coordinated progress of upstream and downstream companies in theindustry chain on the road to digital transformation, and demonstrates thecommon determination and confidence of companies in digital transformation. Inthe award ceremony, the Haikui Digital Excellent Practice Award and ExcellentSupplier Award were awarded, which not only recognized the pioneers, but alsoset a transformation benchmark for the industry and inspired more companies todevote themselves to digital upgrades.

  In her sharing, Ms. LiuLing, Director of Supply chain, reviewed Lyric's remarkable achievements insupply chain optimization in 2023, and looked forward to the strategic plan for2024, emphasized the key role of supply chain digitalization in the strategictransformation of enterprises, and provided enterprises with a development pathfor reference.

  This salon is notonly a feast for the exchange of knowledge and experience, but also a startingpoint for cooperation between enterprises to seek a common future. During the dinner,the guests continued to deeply discuss the planning and prospects of digitaltransformation in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, laying a solid foundationfor building a more efficient and intelligent industrial ecology. Through thisevent, Lyric and Haikui Information Technology Co., Ltd. once againdemonstrated their deep strength and firm commitment in promoting digitaltransformation, providing strong motivation and confidence for small andmedium-sized enterprises to move towards a new era of digitalization.


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