
公司新闻 匠心铸就梦想,技能创造未来 ——2024年化成机器下压组件装配技能竞赛圆满落幕

卓欣欣-15731 2024-7-20 09:52:17



  Recently, a grand event of skill elites - Lyric Formation machine assembly skills competition, came to a successful conclusion at Huizhou headquarters. 30 artisans with unique skills gathered here to jointly perform a competitive feast that combines technology and wisdom.

  This skill competition, adhering to spirit of craftsmanship of striving forexcellence, has set up ten judging dimensions, aiming to comprehensivelyconsider and demonstrate the assembly skills of the contestants. Among thesejudging criteria, the assembly completion, quality and operating efficiency ofthe downforce components are of paramount importance. The atmosphere at thecompetition site was tense and warm, and the contestants were full of energyand high morale, showing superb skills and profound professionalism. Theyconcentrated on using electric screwdrivers and torque wrenches to accuratelycontrol the tightening force of each screw according to the competitiondrawings and operation sop to ensure the assembly quality and efficiency of thedownforce components. In the competition, skilled engineers not only compressedthe working hours of a single component by nearly 1 hour, and increased theefficiency by 50%, but also controlled the accuracy of the downforce reciprocatingaction to within 0.3mm, ensuring that the downforce component played aneffective role in the fixture. In addition to testing the participants'assembly completion, quality and work efficiency, this competition also teststheir ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Within the limitedcompetition time, the participants quickly solved the difficult problems encounteredin module assembly through innovative thinking and methods, making thiscompetition more meaningful in terms of "using competition to promotelearning and strengthen skills."

  This competition not only inspired Lyric people's passion and pursuit of skill improvement, but also made a strong promotion for the cultivation and inheritance of intelligent manufacturing talents. The hard work of each Lyric craftsman reflects the artisan spirit of "focusing on one thing and improving one thing". Looking forward to the future, we expect more skill stars to show their talents in competitions and daily work, devote themselves to technological innovation and knowledge exploration, and add a strong touch to the grand blueprint of intelligent manufacturing!


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