
公司新闻 凝心聚力,共担使命 —— 首场一线战略支援座谈会圆满落幕

卓欣欣-15731 2024-5-16 11:36:57




  Keep moving forwardand strive endlessly, On May 10, 2024, more than 40 Lyric members gatheredtogether and successfully held their first support symposium.
  At the symposium,Mr. Zhang, the Chairman of the Module Assembly Center, and Mr. Chen, the PMODirector of Shunshi Measurement and Control, delivered sincere speeches and thanks.The support operation tested the comprehensive quality and cohesion of all Lyric'scolleagues. Fortunately, we have withstood the test and delivered satisfactoryresults to the enterprise.
  During the supportperiod, the company worked together to uphold the principles of"integrity" and "ingenuity". All the elites who came to thefront line of the project, regardless of their positions, responded to the calland actively followed the technical guidance of the supervisor on the projectsite. They worked hard and thought hard, and solidly caught up with the projectprogress. We adhere to the belief of customer first and strictly follow theoperation guidelines such as assembly SOP and workshop specifications whencarrying out operations. Although the process was full of challenges, we allovercame them with a belief in victory.
  The symposiumcommended and commended outstanding management and support benchmarks, andoutstanding representatives also shared their thoughts and experiences witheveryone during the symposium. In the free communication segment, theparticipants actively spoke up and shared their experiences and experiences ofsupport. Different positions and perspectives generated different sparks in thecollision of thinking, making everyone present feel benefited greatly.
  Thesuccessful conduct of this symposium has deepened the correct understanding ofLyric's colleagues in support of frontline operations and enhanced theirconfidence in delivering projects with quality and quantity guaranteed. I hopethat all members of Lyric can continue to carry forward the spirit of unity andsupport, gather strength, and work together with Lyric to continuously climbmountains and develop strong skills; Let's talk about the future together andcontribute to the development of smart manufacturing!


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